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A little bit about our school...

Oakdale Secondary is for students grades 6-12 and is located on the Fair View campus. Oakdale students meet the same requirements for grade promotion and graduation as the rest of the students in the Chico Unified School District.  

Credit System

Credit in independent study is awarded according to the amount and quality of work completed for each assignment.  Weekly homework approximates the number of hours students would otherwise be attending a comprehensive school setting.   

Educational Options

Grades 6/7/8
The blended format centers on a 3-hour small group class once a week followed by a 2-hour lab another day.   Students are expected to complete a minimum of 15 hours of coursework outside of the classroom. Students take at least five courses in a session.
Grade 9/10
The blended format centers on a 3-hour small group class once a week followed by a 2-hour lab another day.   Students are expected to complete a minimum of 15 hours of coursework outside of the classroom. Students take at least five courses in a session.
Grades 11/12
The traditional format centers on a  weekly 3-hour appointment. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 17 hours of coursework outside of the classroom. Students take at least five courses in a session.  

School Motto

Respect: for self and others
Responsibility: for one's actions
Resiliency: the ability to bounce back

Student Learning Environment

Due to the individualized learning environment, Oakdale students have the opportunity to make deeper connections to the school environment.  Many frequent our centers, utilizing the space and time to acquire additional help, get peer tutoring, complete homework and/or projects, and conduct research.

Student Responsibilities in Independent Study:

· Attending regularly scheduled weekly appointments with your teacher as specified in the Master Agreement.
· Communicating with your teacher throughout the week, requesting help, if needed.  Coming into the open labs to receive additional help. 
· Working daily on your curricular assignments. 
· Completing all assignments on your weekly assignment report by the due date and time.
· Participating in all district and state mandated tests.

Workforce Preparation

Successful Oakdale students are self-directed, motivated and able to accept responsibility for the homework that is assigned them each week.  As such, they display many of the qualities and characteristics of successful job holders.   Many 7-12 Oakdale students apply for and receive work permits for employment in our community.  Those students understand and accept the dual responsibilities of schoolwork and employment.

Are you a student, parent, or community member? Keep in touch with us: