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If you are a parent/guardian and you would like to speak with someone from School Based Intervention Team (SBIT)  please email or call us.

Jessica Prisk (Counselor)- (530) 891-3092 ext. 32145
Wyntur Henderson (Wellness Counselor)- (530) 891-3092 ext. 32115
Martha McLemore (Wellness Counselor)- (530) 891-3092 ext. 32140
Jef Inslee (Welness Counselor)- (530) 891-3092 ext. 32137
Luis Ayala Castillo (Targeted Case Manager)- (530) 891-3092 ext. 32142
Nancy Medina (Targeted Case Manager)- (530) 891-3092  ext, 32141
Cquenaya Zorrilla-Reddam (School Psychologist) (530) 891-3092 ext. 70111

Aeries Parent Portal

Keep up with your student's progress online. Parent Portal is an online tool that tracks grades, attendance, course history, discipline issues, demographic information and health/immunization data for you to see.

To create an Aeries Parent Portal account you will need the following information:
  • a VPC (Verification Pass Code)
  • your student's permanent ID number
  • your home telephone number
Please review these helpful instructions to set up an account.

You can access the ABI Parent website at and click on the Create New Account link.

Nutrition Services

Our Oakdale students that are on campus during breakfast and or lunch time are able to get food while on campus.

Are you a student, parent, or community member? Keep in touch with us: